Pipedrive credentials#
You can use these credentials to authenticate the following nodes with Pipedrive.
Create a Pipedrive account.
Using OAuth#
- Create a Developer Sandbox Account.
- Open your Pipedrive Dashboard.
- Click on your user profile in the top right and select 'Tools and integrations' from the dropdown list.
- From the sidebar under the Tools section, select 'Marketplace manager'.
- Click on the Create new app button.
- Select either 'Yes' or 'No' when asked if you would like to publish your app on the Pipedrive marketplace.
- Click on the Next button.
- Enter the name of the app in the App name field.
- Copy the 'OAuth Callback URL' provided in the 'Pipedrive OAuth2 API' credentials in n8n.
- On the Pipedrive app creation page, scroll down to the OAuth & Access scopes section and paste the URL in the Callback URL field.
- Based on your use-case, select the scopes from the Access scopes section.
- Scroll up and click on the Save button on the top.
- Select your app from the 'Marketplace manager'
- Scroll down to OAuth & Access scopes section and copy the Client ID.
- Enter the name for your credentials in the Credentials Name field in the 'Pipedrive OAuth2 API' credentials in n8n.
- Paste the client ID in the Client ID field in the 'Pipedrive OAuth2 API' credentials in n8n.
- On the Pipedrive application page, click on the Show button next to Client Secret.
- Copy the Client Secret.
- Paste the client secret in the Client Secret field in the 'Pipedrive OAuth2 API' credentials in n8n.
- Click on the circle button in the OAuth section to connect a Pipedrive account to n8n.
- Click on the Save button to save your credentials.
The following video demonstrates the steps mentioned above.
Using API Token#
- Open your Pipedrive Dashboard.
- Click on your user profile in the top right.
- Select 'Personal preferences' from the dropdown list.
- Click on the API tab.
- Click on the Copy button to copy the API Token.
- Enter the name for your credentials in the Credentials Name field in the 'Pipedrive API' credentials in n8n.
- Paste the API token in the API Token field in the 'Pipedrive API' credentials in n8n.
- Click on the Create button to save your credentials.
The following video demonstrates the steps mentioned above.