Onfleet credentials credentials#
You can use these credentials to authenticate the following nodes with Onfleet:
- Onfleet
Sign up for Onfleet and create an API key. Refer to Onfleet's documentation for more information:
- In n8n, create a new credential. You can either:
- Click Credentials > New, then search for Onfleet API. After selecting Onfleet API, click Continue.
- In an Onfleet node, click the Credential for Onfleet API dropdown, then click Create new.
- In the Onfleet account modal, paste your Onfleet API key into API key.
- By default, this credential is available to both the Onfleet and Onfleet Trigger nodes. You can change this using the settings on the Details tab.
- After entering the key and editing the credential details, click Save. n8n tests the key to check it can connect to Onfleet.