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The Stripe node allows you to automate work in Stripe, and integrate Stripe with other applications. n8n has built-in support for a wide range of Stripe features, including getting balance, creating charge, and deleting customers.

On this page, you'll find a list of operations the Stripe node supports and links to more resources.


Refer to Stripe credentials for guidance on setting up authentication.

Examples and templates

For usage examples and templates to help you get started, take a look at n8n's Stripe integrations list.

Basic operations#

  • Balance
    • Get a balance
  • Charge
    • Create a charge
    • Get a charge
    • Get all charges
    • Update a charge
  • Coupon
    • Create a coupon
    • Get all coupons
  • Customer
    • Create a customer
    • Delete a customer
    • Get a customer
    • Get all customers
    • Update a customer
  • Customer Card
    • Add a customer card
    • Get a customer card
    • Remove a customer card
  • Source
    • Create a source
    • Delete a source
    • Get a source
  • Token
    • Create a token


This workflow allows you to create a new customer, create a card token, and associate this token as that customer's card. This example usage workflow would use the following nodes. - Start - Stripe

The final workflow should look like the following image.

A workflow with the Stripe node

1. Start node#

The start node exists by default when you create a new workflow.

2. Stripe node#

  1. First enter your Stripe API credentials. You can learn how to create that here.
  2. Fill in the remaining parameters as follows:
    • Resource: Select the entity you want to work with, Customer in this example.
    • Operation: Select the action to perform, Create in this example.
    • Name: Enter the customer name.
    • Additional Fields: Provide any further details, available options are: Address, Description, Email, Metadata, and Shipping.
    • Type: The type of token to create, Card Token by default.

The Stripe node

3. Stripe1 node#

  1. First enter your Stripe API credentials as with the first node.
  2. Fill in the remaining parameters as follows:
    • Resource: Select the entity you want to work with, Token in this example.
    • Operation: Select the action to perform, Create in this example.
    • Type: The type of token to create, Card Token by default.
    • Card Number: Enter the customer credit card number.
    • CVC: Enter the security code for this card.
    • Expiration Month: Enter the expiration month for this card.
    • Expiration Year: Enter the expiration year for this card.

The Stripe1 node

4. Stripe2 node#

  1. First enter your Stripe API credentials as with the previous node.
  2. Fill in the remaining parameters as follows:
    • Resource: Select the entity you want to work with, Customer Card in this example.
    • Operation: Select the action to perform, Add in this example.
    • Customer ID: Enter the customer ID generated by the first node.
    • Card Token: Enter the token generated by the second node.
    • Type: The type of token to create, Card Token by default.

The Stripe2 node