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How can you contribute?#

There are a several ways in which you can contribute to n8n, depending on your skills and interests. Each form of contribution is valuable to us!

Share some love: review us#

Help out the community#

You can participate in the forum and help the community members out with their questions.

When sharing workflows in the community forum for debugging, use code blocks. Use triple backticks ``` to wrap the workflow JSON in a code block.

The following video demonstrates the steps of sharing workflows on the community forum:

Build a node#

Create an integration for a third party service. Check out the node creation docs for guidance on how to create and publish a community node.

Contribute to the code#

There are different ways in which you can contribute to the n8n code base:

  • Fix issues reported on GitHub. The CONTRIBUTING guide will help you get your development environment ready in minutes.
  • Add additional functionality to an existing third party integration.
  • Add a new feature to n8n.

Contribute to the docs#

You can contribute to the n8n documentation, for example by documenting nodes or fixing issues.

The repository for the docs is here and the guidelines for contributing to the docs are here.

Write a blog post#

You can write an article for the n8n blog. Your article can be, for example, a workflow tutorial, an opinion piece on automation, or some domain-specific automation ideas.

This board lists the most in-demand topics.

Process to submit a post#

n8n appreciates all contributions. Publishing a tutorial on your own site that supports the community is a great contribution. However, if you want n8n to highlight your post on our blog, you need to go through this process.

1. Submit your idea#

Submit your idea to n8n's contributor board. You can either:

  • Offer to write a post for an idea in the Blog posts column. To do this, comment on the ticket and tag the ticket owner.
  • Propose a new idea. To do this, comment on a Submit your idea here ticket (make sure to choose one that isn't already being used).

When commenting, include as much detail as you can. If possible, provide an outline for your proposed post.

2. Approval#

n8n reviews your comment and responds. This includes a review and feedback on your outline.

3. Submit your draft#

Write your post in a Google Doc, following the style guide.

When your draft is ready, share it in the GitHub ticket. Make sure the sharing link gives permission for anyone to comment.

If your blog post includes example workflows, export your workflow and copy the JSON into a separate section at the end of your blog post doc.

If you want to have ownership of the article, submit a second Google Doc link with your full name, a short byline, and your image. n8n will use this to create your author page and credit you as the author of the post.

4. Review and edit#

Someone from n8n reviews your draft. They'll check the following:

  • Is the information accurate and up to date?
  • Do the workflows or other examples function?
  • Is the product information relevant?
  • Gramma and structure

After the review, you'll have a chance to review any suggested changes and implement them. You can then notify the reviewer that your final draft is ready.

5. Publishing#

n8n will let you know an estimated publication date.

When the article is published, n8n will also promote it through social media. You're encouraged to share it on your own channels.

Refer a candidate#

Do you know someone who would be a great fit for one of our open positions? Refer them to us! In return, we'll pay you €1,000 when the referral successfully passes their probationary period.

Here's how this works:

  1. Search: Have a look at the description and requirements of each role, and consider if someone you know would be a great fit.
  2. Referral: Once you've identified a potential candidate, send an email to Jobs at n8n with the subject line Employee referral - [job title] and a short description of the person you're referring (and the reason why). Also, tell your referral to apply for the job through our careers page.
  3. Evaluation: We'll screen the application and inform you about the next steps of the hiring process.
  4. Reward: As soon as your referral has successfully finished the probationary period, we'll reward you for your efforts by transferring the €1,000 to your bank account.