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A reference document listing built-in convenience functions to support data transformation in expressions for dates.

JavaScript in expressions

You can use any JavaScript in expressions. Refer to Expressions for more information.

beginningOf(unit?: DurationUnit): Date #

Transform a Date to the start of the given time period.

Function parameters#

unitOptionalString enum

A valid string specifying the time unit.

Default: week

One of: second, minute, hour, day, week, month, year

endOfMonth(): Date #

Transforms a Date to the end of the month.

extract(datePart?: DurationUnit): Number #

Extracts the part defined in datePart from a Date.

Function parameters#

datePartOptionalString enum

A valid string specifying the time unit.

Default: week

One of: second, minute, hour, day, week, month, year

format(fmt: TimeFormat): String #

Formats a Date in the given structure

Function parameters#

fmtRequiredString enum

A valid string specifying the time format. Refer to Luxon | Table of tokens for formats.

isBetween(date1: Date | DateTime, date2: Date | DateTime): Boolean #

Checks if a Date is between two given dates.

Function parameters#

date1RequiredDate or DateTime

The first date in the range.

date2RequiredDate or DateTime

The last date in the range.

isDst(): Boolean #

Checks if a Date is within Daylight Savings Time.

isInLast(n?: Number, unit?: DurationUnit): Boolean #

Checks if a Date is within a given time period.

Function parameters#


The number of units. For example, to check if the date is in the last nine weeks, enter 9.

Default: 0

unitOptionalString enum

A valid string specifying the time unit.

Default: minutes

One of: second, minute, hour, day, week, month, year

isWeekend(): Boolean #

Checks if the Date falls on a Saturday or Sunday.

minus(n: Number, unit?: DurationUnit): Date #

Subtracts a given time period from a Date.

Function parameters#


The number of units. For example, to subtract nine seconds, enter 9 here.

unitOptionalString enum

A valid string specifying the time unit.

Default: minute

One of: second, minute, hour, day, week, month, year

plus(n: Number, unit?: DurationUnit): Date #

Adds a given time period from a Date.

Function parameters#


The number of units. For example, to add nine seconds, enter 9 here.

unitOptionalString enum

A valid string specifying the time unit.

Default: minute

One of: second, minute, hour, day, week, month, year